Does this sound like you?

“I don’t know what to do with my life.  I feel like I’m just drifting.  I feel like I have this potential inside of me but it’s not being utilized.  I want to find that one thing I’m truly passionate about and challenges me.”

“I want to make a career change but I don’t know how or where to start.  I’ve invested a lot of time and energy into this and I’m good at it.  At the same time I feel bored at work and I feel like it’s sucking the life out of me.  I know there’s something better out there for me.”

“Life is good and I am successful in many ways.  I have everything I could ever ask for and I should be happy.  But something feels like it’s missing.  Every so often, I get this nagging feeling that something isn’t right.”

“I’m passionate about so many things and I’m talented enough to do all of them fairly well.  There are so many things I can see myself doing.   How do I decide where to focus?”

“I find myself oscillating between being super motivated and then completely burned out.  I know this habit isn’t working and there has to be a better way.  How do I change this pattern?”

Most people come to me for three main reasons:

1) To find their ideal career and life purpose
2) To create better mental, emotional, and/or physical habits in order to increase their effectiveness
3) To find meaning in their everyday life and fulfill their individual potential

Though I am trained in many different disciplines, I choose to focus on Personal Growth through the exploration of the conscious and subconscious mind.  My job is to support and challenge you to better understand yourself and to assist you in making intentional progress towards your future.  You have all the tools inside of you and my job is to help you discover them and to teach you how to utilize them for your benefit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Coaching is a tool to assist people making positive changes in their lives so that they can better achieve their goals.  Goals can range from creating new habits, achieving financial success, creating new beliefs, and creating healthier relationships.   Coaching can help with gaining new knowledge and understanding and learning how to best implement the necessary changes to live a healthier, more vibrant life.

People who are looking to elevate their life which can range from achieving more than what one previously has had to learning how to live life more fully by being aware of oneself and one’s purpose.  Coaching is a luxury that allows people to accelerate their growth to achieve more.

No.  Coaching and Therapy are two different tools but they can work together very well.  In general, therapy is a healing modality that works with past events and healing previous traumas and wounds.  Coaching is a tool used to work towards future goals by understanding your habits and beliefs and changing or modifying them to better serve you to move forward faster.  One way to think about it is that therapy is working in your past and coaching is working towards your future.  Coaching is not a substitute for therapy but a way to move onward after or coinciding with therapy.

My specialty is helping people find and live with purpose.  The process uses reflection and imagination to better understand one self and one’s values.  From there, I assist my clients in designing a life and lifestyle that matches their values so that they can live with more alignment and feel proud about how they are using their time and energy.

Many of my clients are men between the ages of 25-40 who are looking to find more meaning in their lives.  Men have a unique challenge facing them as the world has changed in many ways from gender roles being eliminated to work options increasing.  We all have more options than ever before in terms of ways to make an impact and the overwhelming number of options can cause analysis paralysis.

  •  Per 55-Minute Session Rate: $200
  •  Bi-Monthly Rate (2 sessions per month): $350
  • Monthly Rate (4 sessions per month): $600

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.  We are spiritual beings having a human experience”

-Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

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